Bullis Charter School is a family-founded, free public school open to students in California entering Transitional Kindergarten through 8th grade.
How to
Bullis Charter School
Bullis Charter School welcomes all children wishing to attend TK - 8th grade. BCS is committed to meeting students where they are—academically, socially, and developmentally—with the goal of challenging and supporting their positive growth through innovative educational opportunities.
Join our mailing list to learn more about open enrollment at Bullis Charter School and to be notified about enrollment events and school tours.
BCS is authorized by the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) and enrolls any student residing in California. There is no fee or entrance exam. To enroll:
Create an account on the SchoolMint platform
Enter your child’s information (first-time applicants only)
Create an application* in the appropriate school year
Gather and upload your supporting documents
*Paper applications are also available here and at our school office located at 102 West Portola Avenue, Los Altos, CA 94022. You can email or mail completed applications along with all documents.

All applications submitted for the next school year within our open enrollment period during the fall/winter of the current school year are eligible for the our enrollment lottery that is held in early spring. The lottery includes SCCOE-authorized enrollment preferences for:​
​​Siblings of current BCS students who reside within the boundaries of the Los Altos School District.
Children who qualify for free or reduced priced meals and reside within the boundaries of the Los Altos School District, limited to 10% of the total openings at each grade level.
Children of BCS staff members who reside within the boundaries of the Los Altos School District.
Children who reside within the boundaries of the Los Altos School District.
Siblings of current BCS students who reside outside of the boundaries of the Los Altos School District.
Children of BCS staff members who reside outside of the boundaries of the Los Altos School District.
Children who qualify for free or reduced priced meals who reside outside the boundaries of the Los Altos School District but within California.
All other applicants who reside within California.
​​Offers of enrollment are made to families following the lottery in the spring and summer months of the school year prior. Parents are notified of their child(ren)’s enrollment status following the lottery. Offers are made to students who have been placed on the school’s waitlist as openings become available.
BCS offers equal access to applicants regardless of their actual or perceived disability, gender, gender expression, gender identity, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic that is contained in the definition of hate crimes set forth in Section 422.55 of the Penal Code or association with an individual who has any of the aforementioned characteristics. View the Charter School Complaint Notice and Form, per CA Education Code (EC) Section 47605(d)(4), here.
Learn more about enrolling your child at Bullis Charter School and to be notified about open enrollment events.