

BCS provides families with an innovative, empowering and results-oriented choice.

BCS is a free public charter school open to any student* in California in grades TK-8 and we welcome all children and families. Project-based learning, music, S.T.E.A.M., drama, social and emotional development — these are just a few of the reasons why BCS is a great choice!

Enroll Your Child

The Open Enrollment period for the 2024-25 school year began on November 1, 2023 and ended on February 16, 2024.   However, you can still submit an application for your child online through SchoolMint! Paper copies of the application are available in the school office or can be downloaded from the links found on our How to Enroll page.

Learn More About BCS

Please sign up here if you are interested in joining our mailing list to be notified with opportunities to learn more about Bullis Charter School! This includes information on parent information nights and school tours. NOTE: These usually take place November to February in the school year prior to enrollment (open enrollment).  Our Enrollment FAQs also contain for more information our enrollment process.

We also invite you to stay connected with us and learn more information about the school by following us on social media: Facebook | Instagram.

Si le gustaría hablar con alguien en español sobre el proceso de inscripción, por favor llame (650) 947-4100 o venga a la oficina de BCS.

*BCS offers equal access to applicants through our enrollment lottery regardless of their actual or perceived disability, gender, gender expression, gender identity, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic that is contained in the definition of hate crimes set forth in Section 422.55 of the Penal Code or association with an individual who has any of the aforementioned characteristics. View the Charter School Complaint Notice and Form, per CA Education Code (EC) Section 47605(d)(4), here.

Bullis Charter School (BCS) is a free public charter school authorized by the Santa Clara County Board of Education (SCCBOE) and subject to the fiscal and programmatic oversight of the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE).